The book After Capitalism: From managerialism to workplace democracy, by Seymour Melman, 2001, Alfred A. Knopf, publisher, is available at Amazon books
Table of contents
PART I From Feudalism to Captialism, and After
1 The Shape of Production Under State Capitalism
2 The Founding Alienation of Capitalism
Part II State and Corporate Managers Impose Alienation by Destroying Production Capacity
3 The United States as a Third-Rate Economy
4 State Managers Accumulate military Power Without Limit
5 The Hidden Costs of Campaigning for World Hegemony
6 The Lessons of Soviet Russia: From Alienation to Production Collapse
Part III Managing as Deindustrialization Proceeds
7 The Attempt to Make Workers and Unions Obsolete
8 Management Promotes Ownership Without Control
PART IV Workers, White Collar and Blue, Create a Process of Disalienated
Decision-Making for an Economy and Society After Capitalism
9 Creating Workplace Democracy
10 White Collar Joins the Blue
11 Disalienation by Design: Installing Workplace Democracy
PART V Advancing Workplace Democracy
12 The Advancing Processes of Capitalism and Workplace Democracy
Conclusion: An Exit Path from Capitalism to Workplace Democracy
about the author
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